ICT as Medium for Teaching/Learning

ICT becomes a big help in terms of communication compare before that ICT doesn't exist that much. ICT has a big role in our daily lives, it provides better and quicker ways for us to interact with other people and to do activities at school, home and at work

Lets talk about how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has transformed the educational methodologies when we were in grade school and now in Senior High School.

a. The singing of National anthem 

When I was in grade school I'm always in the front because our teacher will always say "find your height, stand straight, put down your bags, put your hand on your left chest and ready sing" and there's a teacher in front conducting while we are singing the national anthem-"Lupang Hinirang". Before, because it's still face to face that time there's no such thing called virtual flag ceremony.

         Click here: Flag Ceremony Before 

Now, I am a Senior High student and we're in the process of adjusting on the new normal way of learning which is modular and online learning because of pandemic. Now with the help of ICT we attend flag ceremony virtually and compare with the old days of singing national anthem now, we have technology that can be our guide to sing the national anthem virtually. Despite of pandemic we still have a way of gathering ourselves and sing the national anthem even we're in our houses, with the help of ICT we still can sing the national anthem together with our teachers and classmate though some students are not participating. These are some observations about students while attending virtual flag ceremony such as students might not doing the proper posture or the proper singing because some students are not discipline especially if they know no one will see what they are doing, some students might doing something instead of giving time for the flag ceremony, that is because its virtual they know that teachers can't monitor them.

Click here: Example of Virtual Flag Ceremony 

But to be honest the first and last time I attend virtual flag ceremony is the day of our virtual graduation and that was a months ago.   

ICT transformed an actual flag ceremony to a virtual way of attending flag ceremony. Though ICT also has a disadvantage in terms of doing virtual flag ceremony such internet problem, teachers can't monitor students properly but virtual flag ceremony is the only way for now.  

b. Presentation of Visual aids 

When I was in grade school I remember using manila paper for my report. Teachers are also do their visual aids with manila paper and sometimes they used a used papers to present their lesson and in order for us to take notes. 

Now, we used to present everything virtually so as a senior high student with the help of ICT I am using PowerPoint Presentation for our reports and other kinds of activities. PowerPoint Presentation is the most common type of presentation that teachers also used for their discussion nowadays. 

With the help of ICT presentations improved and it helps to make an easy and much better presentation in order to be more understandable for students as well as for teachers to discuss his or her presentation properly. With the help of ICT its not that hard to present a graphic and videos because in one file you can present all kinds of media unlike before in manila paper all you can see is a written text and drawings.



c. Class record

Before, when I was in grade school teachers has a class record book, it is a document used by teachers to record the attendance and grade information of students.

Now, ICT transformed the class record from book to E-class record which is teachers record the students grade information and attendance using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file document that makes the recording easier and in convenient way. In just a click teachers can easily compute his or her students grades using the excel formulas. In just a click the teachers can get the important grading information and do evaluations. Because of ICT recording of grades are now more reliable and efficient than before.

d. Class dismissal 

Back then, when the teacher say "Ok class dismissed" it means that their time is done for his or her lesson it can be first period, second, third or last period and me and the rest of my classmates are free to go outside the classroom because its time for recess or time to go home or time to wait for the next subject. Before, we  are attending five to six subjects every weekdays and five to six times every school days in a week we are hearing that term "class dismissed" or "class you may leave".


Now, again and again because we are in the e-distance learning we only have one subject per day compare back then that 5 to 6 subjects per day. Now online class is the method of teachers to discuss their lesson and for students to participate online discussion. With the help of application and internet connection teachers and students can interact to each other. ICT transform the way of attending classes and the way how teachers dismissed their class through virtual communication. 

e. Assignment and research

As what I remember during the elementary days, I am not aware about the world of internet, I don't even know how to use laptop and cellphone back then. I just want to share some elementary days. I am from a coastal area and I grew up not knowing how to used computer and how to interact with people in social media when I was in grade school. Before, our place has no internet connections, there's no such thing like Facebook, Youtube, and other kind of social media platforms that exist in our mind. When I am doing my assignments back then I remember searching answers from books, I remember planting and observe how the plants will grow, it's a manual process it's a own observation of something. I remember our teacher used to gave us task to observe how to make a salted egg, she also gave us a task about observing our garden and other kinds of observation. Now, as what I observed, with the help of ICT in just a click all informations you want to know is available in the internet, watching in youtube, viewing sites, reading documents, finding a conclusion for something, everything is in the internet now. Now, you can conduct a survey easily with the help of technology. ICT provide us a convenient way of finding an answer for assignments and research paper. ICT also provide an easy way of submitting assignments and research and other projects. 


























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